Archive Search Request Instructions

Search Tips.  For a faster, more successful search result:

It will help us find matching records, if you can give us as much information as possible about the content you are looking for.  We suggest that you give as many spellings as you know for specific words, particularly for people’s names as they vary a lot.

To Request a Search:

Please contact: IBC’s Multi-media Archivist at 867-979-6231 ext. 212 or Complete the form on page 2 and fax or email it to IBC Multi-media Archivist at  867-979-5853 or

Search Request Form PDF (Download) >>

Cost of Searches:

The first 2 hours or less: FREE.  You will be contacted with the results of the search after the first 2 hours.  More than 2 hours: $25 per hour.  We will request your written permission to continue the search and agree on the maximum length of time, and obtain your payment information.

Cost of Copies:

If you wish to order one or more copies of a digital video file and/or DVD format, the charges are:

  1. $30/copy for personal use, plus taxes and shipping as applicable.
  2. $50/copy for institutional use, plus taxes and shipping as applicable.
  3. For commercial use of footage, please contact IBC ( a stock footage rate card.

Video files can also be transferred to a USB drive at an additional cost of the drive.  Price will vary depending on drive size.

Copies of archival videos for personal and/or institutional use/study will be made under the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act. These video copies are not to be further reproduced, sold, or published without the permission of the IFVA


Payable in advance, IBC accepts cash, or cheques made out to the INUIT BROADCASTING CORPORATION, either delivered in person in Iqaluit or mailed to Suite 310 – 309 Cooper Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0G5. Please address payment to the attention of the Finance Department.    For e-transfer, Visa or PayPal payments, please contact us at The product will be delivered only after payment is received.

Shipping Information

(if planning on ordering a copy)